Resultados: 4

    Generaliseerunud ärevushäire ja paanikahäire (agorafoobiaga või ilma) käsitlus perearstiabis

    The update of the treatment manual "Management of generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) in family medicine" was initiated because more than five years had passed since the publication of the original manual in 2014. The procedure for updating treatment manuals is w...

    Põletikulise liigeshaigusega patsiendi käsitlus esmatasandil

    Inflammatory joint diseases are a group of diseases characterized by autoimmune inflammation in the joints and sometimes in other tissues and organs. The most common inflammatory joint diseases are rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and spondyloarthritis (SpA). Spondyloarthrit...

    Jala veenilaiendite ja kroonilise venoosse puudulikkuse diagnoosimine ning ravi

    lthough the exact prevalence of chronic venous disease of the lower extremity is unknown, according to studies, lower extremity telangiectasias or varicose veins (CEAP classification C1–C2) and chronic venous insufficiency (CEAP classification C3–C6) occur in 16% of adults (1). Since there are curre...